Terms and conditions of the online store [sakwabag]
Release date: 06.03.2019 R.
The online store sakwabag.com operating at the addresses of www.sakwabag.com and www.sakwabag.pl belongs to Katarzyna Buc, conducting business under the company "Sakwa Katarzyna Buc" with headquarters in Koszalinie (75-011), ul. 96/7 victories entered in the central registration and business information, using the number NIP 669-243-26-40 contact the online store is possible:
- By phone: + 48 697 916 797 (on weekdays 10.00 to Hours 16.00);
- At the e-mail address:
- Info@sakwabag.com for questions about the store, products, collaboration proposals from bloggers and influencers.
- Sales@sakwabag.com for inquiries from shops and outlets interested in engaging in business collaboration.
On weekdays, you will receive a reply to your message within 24h.
- Via traditional mail to the local address for service: UL. Victories 96/7, 75-011 Koszalin,
1. Definitions:
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following terms shall be adopted:
- The buyer – a natural person, a legal person or a legal person,
- Civil Code – Law of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (OJ 1964.16.93),
- Consumer – a natural person who purchases in the store to the extent not directly related to his or her business or profession (in accordance with art. 221 of the Civil Code),
- Terms and conditions – these terms and conditions, which are available at Www.sakwabag.com/regulamin
- Shop – Online store at www.sakwabag.com and www.sakwabag.pl
- Weekdays – means weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays),
- SPRZEDAWCA – Katarzyna Buc, who is an economic activity under the company "Sakwa Katarzyna Buc" with its registered office in Koszalin (75-011), ul. 96/7 victories, entered in the central Register and business information, using the number NIP 669-243-26-40.
2. Preliminary provisions
- Through the store, the seller carries out a retail sale while providing to the purchaser of the service electronically. Through the store, the buyer may purchase products made visible on the store's website.
- The terms and conditions set out the terms of use of the store as well as the rights and obligations of seller and buyers.
- To use the store, including, in particular, to make a purchase in the store are sufficient:
- Internet access,
- Standard operating system and web browser,
- Have an active email address.
- The buyer may make a purchase without registration after providing the data necessary to fulfill the order contained in the order form.
- Buyer may not make a purchase under a pseudonym or through false data.
- All prices of products listed on the store are gross prices.
3. Electronically supplied services
- Through the store, the seller provides the service to the purchaser electronically.
- The primary service provided electronically to the purchaser by the seller is to enable the purchaser to place an order in the store. Placing an order is possible without having to create an account in the store.
4. Placing an Order
- The buyer can place an order without having to register on the website.
- In order to place an order, the buyer is obliged to take the following steps:
- Select the product or products that are the subject of the order by clicking the "Add to Cart" button,
- From the cart view, click the "Go to Checkout" button,
- Enter the shipping address and fill in the data necessary for the shipment. User data is not saved in the store therefore, each time you order, you must enter it again.
- Read the terms and conditions and accept it; Acceptance of the regulations is voluntary, but necessary to place the order,
- Click on the "Buy and pay" button.
- If the buyer chose the delivery option via Poczta Polska it is necessary to pay (within 3 days) the amount for the selected products to the account number of the seller: 88 1090 2659 0000 0001 4153 3237 in the title of the transfer by entering the order number from the transfer confirmation Received by e-mail.
- If the buyer chose the personal pickup option in Warsaw, the seller will contact the buyer within 24h to determine where to collect the products. In this case, the payment for the goods is transferred to the seller after the transfer of the product to the purchaser.
- Once the payment has been made, the purchaser will be re-redirected to the store's confirmation page. An automatically generated confirmation email address will be sent to the address provided by the buyer. With this moment the contract of sale of the products covered by the order is considered to be concluded between the buyer and the seller.
5. Delivery forms and methods of payment
- The buyer has the following forms of order delivery:
- Via Poczta Polska SA;
- Personal pickup in Warsaw.
- The cost of delivery is borne by the purchaser, personal pickup in Warsaw is free.
- The goods are assigned to the address indicated on the Orders form. The seller will contact the customer immediately if the badly completed form prevents the effective delivery of the order.
- The time of delivery of the order in the Republic of Poland lasts up to six (6) business days from the moment of completing and giving the order by the seller (completion of the order execution time).
- If the consignment proves to have suffered loss or damage, the carrier must promptly determine the status of the consignment and the circumstances of the damage. The carrier should also do so at the customer's request if he claims that the consignment is compromised. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods passes to the customer when it is issued.
- The buyer has the following payment methods for the ordered products:
- Transfer to merchant bank account: 58 1050 1520 1000 0090 9791 3314
- Payment in cash during a personal pickup in Warsaw.
6. Order Fulfillment
- After the buyer has placed an order in accordance with the procedure described in § 4 of the regulations, the order confirmation will be sent to the buyer's e-mail address.
- If the buyer has chosen a method of payment in the form of a transfer to the bank account of the seller, he is obliged to pay for the order within 3 days of the contract conclusion
- Fulfillment of the order consists in preparing for dispatch to the buyer. The order is considered to have been completed when the order is prepared for dispatch.
- The time of delivery of the order is indicated in the product description.
- The order processing time is calculated from the time of payment for the order, unless the purchaser has chosen a personal pickup option in Warsaw.
- After completing the order, the seller will send the order confirmation to the buyer's e-mail address and commence the order dispatch to the purchaser. If the buyer has chosen personal pickup options, the seller will contact him to determine the place and date of the transfer of the goods.
- Dispatch of the order to the buyer is effected through the Polish post.
- The delivery time of the order to the buyer varies from 2-6 days, depending on the operation of the delivery operator which is the Polish post office.
7. Withdrawal from the contract by the consumer
- A consumer who has concluded a distance contract with the seller has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the date of the possession of the purchased goods.
- The right of withdrawal shall not be granted in respect of the contract: – in which the subject of the provision is a non-prefabricated thing, produced according to the consumer's specifications or for satisfying his or her individualised needs;
- The consumer must inform the seller of his decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an unequivent statement – for example, by a letter sent by post or by e-mail.
- In order to retain the time limit for withdrawal, it is sufficient for the consumer to send information concerning the exercise of the consumer's right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
- The consumer is obliged to return the product to the seller or to give it to a person authorized by the seller to receive it immediately, but not later than 14 days from the date on which he departed from the contract, unless the seller has proposed that he will collect the item himself. To preserve the deadline, it is sufficient to return the product
- The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the goods.
- In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the seller shall reimburse to the consumer all payments received from the consumer, including the cheapest available in the store the cost of delivering the products (if the cost was covered by the consumer) promptly, and in any case no later than 14 Days from the date on which the seller was informed of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. Refunds will be made using the same payment methods as the consumer used in the original transaction, unless the consumer has expressly agreed to another solution. In any case, the consumer will not incur any fees in connection with the form of reimbursement of payments.
- If the seller has not proposed that he will collect the item from the consumer himself, he may withhold the reimbursement of payments received from the consumer until the goods are received back or the consumer has provided proof of its return, depending on which event occurs sooner.
- The consumer is responsible for reducing the value of the product resulting from the use of the product in a way beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.
8. Liability for defects
- The seller is obliged to provide the purchaser with a product free from defects.
- The seller is liable to the purchaser if the sold product has a physical or legal defect (warranty for defects).
- If the sold product has a defect, the buyer may:
- Request the replacement of the product free from defects,
- Request the removal of the defect,
- Submit a statement of price reduction,
- Declaration of withdrawal from the contract.
- If the purchaser finds a defect in the product, he should immediately inform the seller, specifying at the same time his claim relating to the defect identified or by submitting a statement of relevant content.
- The buyer who carries out the warranty may, at the seller's expense, deliver the defective product to the seller's address.
- The seller shall respond to the complaint submitted by the buyer within 14 days from the date of delivery of the complaint.
- Details of the seller's warranty for defects are governed by the provisions of the Civil Code (art. 556 – 576).
9. Personal Data and cookies
The rules regarding the processing of personal data and the use of cookies can be found in the privacy policy available at Sakwabag.com/polityka-prywatnosci
10. Out-of-court ways of handling complaints and redress
- The seller agrees to submit any disputes arising in connection with the sale of goods by means of mediation proceedings. The details will be determined by the conflict pages.
- The consumer has the possibility of using out-of-court ways of handling complaints and redress. Among other things, the consumer has the ability to:
- To request a permanent amicably friendly consumer court to settle the dispute arising from the concluded contract of sale,
- To ask the provincial inspector of the Trade inspection to initiate mediation proceedings on the amicable conclusion of the dispute between the buyer and the seller,
- Recourse to the assistance of the district (municipal) Ombudsman of a consumer or social organisation to which the protection of consumers is a statutory task.
- For more detailed information on out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and redress, the consumer may search the website http://uokik.gov.pl.
- The consumer can also use the ODR platform, which is available at HTTP://EC.EUROPA.EU/CONSUMERS/ODR. The platform is used to settle disputes between consumers and traders seeking out-of-court settlement of a dispute concerning contractual obligations arising from an online sales contract or service contract.
11. Final provisions
- The regulations shall enter into force on the date of publication on the website of the store.
- The Seller reserves the possibility to change the regulations. The terms and conditions applicable at the date of conclusion of the Agreement shall apply to contracts concluded before the amendment.